We catch up with Patricia Knight-Scott following her latest ‘Your Love’ release

Songstress, session singer, vocal educator and award-winning vocalist Patricia Knight-Scott recently shared her latest release Your Love‘. The new song is a soulful R&B mid-tempo ballad talking about unconditional love between man, woman and God. Patricia’s honest vocals convey her deep gratitude and thankfulness to God for bringing her through some tough life challenges and for allowing her to experience a long-lasting loving relationship. Check out our quick interview with her below.

What has been one of your proudest moments in your journey so far?
Publishing my songs and being able to share my heart with the world. Also being told that I am an inspiration.

If music didn’t exist, what would you do?
I had a discussion with Leeland years ago about this… if I lost my voice what would I do? I would work in another creative field such as dance, performing arts, or acting as I love those mediums as well.

What is the inspiration for this project?
This song was written during a challenging period when my husband faced life-threatening ill health. During this period, I was shown unconditional love from not only my immediate family & friends but my church family whom I had just joined. They not only prayed for us but showed love practically and financially. So gratitude and thanks are poured out in this song.

What would you say are some of the main messages in the project?
That God’s love is unconditional, unfathomable, deeper than man’s concept of love and that we can trust that he will protect, provide and always bring us through life’s challenges.

What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you?
To be myself because everyone else is taken. That I am (we) are all unique and to walk in the space God has given me. Also to walk with giants.

What are your future plans?
I am still working on a few more songs at the moment and planning to do a live event showcasing the songs I’ve written so far, in early summer or sooner.

Connect with Patricia on Facebook | Instagram | TikTok || Download/Stream Your Loveon Spotify

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