Sarah TÉIBO discusses remarkable journey from cancer diagnosis to ‘All Clear’

Sarah Téibo recently returned with new music – All Clear – an energetic pseudo-pop track from he upcoming EP – “Human Like Me”. Written just three weeks after major surgery following her Thyroid Cancer diagnosis, this uptempo inspirational song with its catchy hook and unforgettable melody captures that feeling of triumph that comes from the very first line – ‘it’s gonna be ok!’ We caught up with her to hear more about the remarkable journey to the song release. 

What has been one of your proudest moments in your journey so far?
Going into the studio just 3 weeks after surgery – with my dressing still on my neck, and barely able to make any coherent sound – for songwriting sessions for the project. This had been booked before my diagnosis and I was determined to go ahead with it. It was tough, but I pushed through.
It was during this period that I actually got the all clear. So this song was written just as I got the news!

If music didn’t exist, what would you do?
I can’t imagine a world without music. If it didn’t exist, I’m not sure I would either!

What is the inspiration for this project?
All clear is a testament to God’s faithfulness. I had a thyroid cancer diagnosis in 2023 which was probably the scariest period of my life. I battled emotionally, physically and mentally, from processing the diagnosis through to surgery and voice therapy (as I lost my voice and had to learn to sing again). The great news of having the all clear from Cancer came after a season of doubt, anxiety, but also faith that God was working through this, that He is always good and that He would heal and perfect all that concerns me

What would you say are some of the main messages in the project?
My favourite bit is right at the start of the song – ‘It’s gonna be ok’. I wish I’d had someone drum that into me in my really low moments. The reassurance that everything would be ok – even if it doesn’t look like it now – is sometimes all we need to hear, to keep hanging on in there

What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you?
My kids give me the best advice – ‘Mom, take care of yourself’

What are your future plans?
The full EP – Human Like Me – which chronicles my trials and triumphs over the last year will be out in the summer and I plan to have some performances around the country to promote this release and share my testimony.

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