Worship leader Seme shares heart behind new single ‘My God’

Recently we spoke with worship leader Seme who just recently released his debut single ‘My God’ which places an emphasis on how real God is to the worshipper. ‘My God’ is Seme’s first recording in England and is produced by Evans Ogboi. A medical doctor by profession Seme came to England in 2017 and now leads worship in Newness of Life Christian Centre, RCCG in West Midlands, UK. His mission is to show true worship is beyond music and this theme echoes throughout his ministry. He is passionate about leading worship.

So the first question… what is the the inspiration behind ‘My God’?

My God came as a worship song in my personal time of prayer. The chorus and bridge came first, but the verse had come initially as part of another song much earlier. When I sang it out loud, I realised how perfectly all the parts of the song fit. This excited me and I decided to teach my choir at the time, (Elyon Praise of  Church Unusual) and when we sang it as a worship song, we all immediately realised how powerful the lyrics and music are.

Personally, like many other Christians, I have seen God become who He needs to be for me every time. He sometimes is Father, sometimes is friend, sometimes lover and sometimes Healer. The song reminds me and hopefully everyone else, of what Him being our God means. He deserves the worship for all He is and we owe him a we are.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given you? 

So many I can think of at present, but one comes to mind regarding music and it was by a brother we all respect back home in Nigeria, Nyero, back in 2014, who advised myself and some gospel music friends to continue making music no matter what, even if no one seemed to be listening or if we hoped to be ever heard and successful.  I always remember this and keep persisting at it. It keeps me motivated.

The second one I think which is in the same club as the above, is from my mum who always says “Hard work doesn’t kill”. You can see why I am not lazy!

If you could be working with one person right now… who would it be? 

This is a very difficult question!

I dream of singing with Lauren Daigle, Nathaniel Bassey, Cece Winans, Mercy Chinwo and Fred Hammond if I could! Right now, if I could pick just one person, I would really love to work with Israel Houghton. I feel many similarities in our ideas of music and if I am sincere, I will say his music has influenced mine especially over the last five years or so.

Who are you listening to at the moment? 

So many people! Anthony Brown and Group Therapy are amazing! I am also enjoying the Cece Winans new album “ Let Them Fall In Love” cause her music is fresh, original and simple. Jonathan McReynolds and Israel Houghton are never far from my Spotify playlist either. I’ve also been listening to a lot of Elevation worship.

You see… so many!!!

What is your favourite bible character?

Simple. David. Why? Honest, emotional, kind, godly and prophetic!! I hope when I get to heaven, I will be fondly called “son of David”!

So there you have it! Now you know Seme the worshipper, just a little bit more. Be sure to get his debut single ‘My God’


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