Walking Like Jesus set to host their Evangelism Training School in March

The Walking Like Jesus ministry is holding an Evangelism Training School on Saturday 14th March in Central London. This is a unique opportunity for you to be part of an intensive equipping day and receive hands-on evangelism training. “Many people have contacted us who are hungry and eager for evangelism, street outreach and practical advice to share the Gospel effectively…we sense that there truly is a need for believers to be equipped in this area.”

This opportunity is not only for evangelists but for everyone who has a passion for reaching souls and walking in power. Evangelism isn’t just for evangelists – all are called to evangelise. This training school is specifically designed for those who wish to be discipled and trained in soul winning and power evangelism. This will be an intimate setting and you are encouraged to book as soon possible as spaces are very limited.

Find out more about the event and book your tickets HERE.

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