A Step FWD appoints new PR & Marketing Manager – Samantha Radford

A Step FWD is proud to announce new addition to the team – Samantha Radford our new PR & Marketing Manager. Over the years A Step FWD has been at the forefront of the Christian & Gospel music industry in the United Kingdom and is well known and loved for its work with the UK Christian Charts and much more. The current team comprises 45+ volunteers from across the UK and overseas, managing the multiple activities and partnerships, along with the monthly charts. With so much important work representing the UK internally and externally, Samantha is perfectly poised to take the organisation to new levels. In her own words below;

From the moment we take our first breath to our very last, we interact with others. Not limited to our friends and family, communication is intrinsic to everything we do because everything is relational. Our ability to communicate effectively can make or break our career, our business, our service offering or the brand we are building.

My passion is communication and understanding every form it takes, from external expressions to internal and interpersonal. As we communicate with the world we also reveal parts of who we are – my talent is in ensuring you present an authentic, best version of yourself, that reaches your target audience every time.

My career began working in an HR department, the next step was in a PR/Communications Consultancy with strong media relations focus, learning how a brand, company or individual can be effectively profiled in the media to shift perceptions. My love of connecting with people, along with solid writing skills and an eye for super trends makes PR a natural fit. After a while I wanted to use my experience to support a cause becoming Campaigns Manager for a national charity, adding lobbying with an APPG for medical research and better healthcare to my skill set. Among all that I learned how to put together a mean launch event and glam photo shoot or two too!

Over time my focus shifted from external expressions to internal dialogue. I became interested in why people present the way they do – what lies behind the mask. Cue a career change of becoming a therapeutic counsellor. Once qualified with some experience under my belt, I set up my own private counselling practice, which quickly thrived through just word of mouth. Never one to shy away from a new challenge, my fascination with understanding people was about to go to the next level, combining my accumulated knowledge of business, communications and the human psyche into setting up my own company, Geber Communications.

I’m delighted to join O’Neil Dennis and his team at A Step FWD as it serves, supports and grows the UK Christian & Gospel music artists on an individual and industry level. Music transcends boundaries, reaches deep into our heart and soul, connecting us not only to likeminded others but most importantly, our amazing Creator. Nothing makes me happier than music expressing worship, praise and meditations of the heart, so the role of PR Manager for A Step FWD is truly a welcome blessing. My prayer is that I am able to make a meaningful contribution in return.

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