Upper Room London was an unforgettable experience of God’s power!

International music minister Dunsin Oyekan brought the Upper Room Worship Experience (Lagos) to London on Friday. The night did not disappoint as it was a time of intense worship, destiny aligning prayers & impartation of the Holy Ghost. Thousands packed the Ruach City Church auditorium for the first ever Upper Room London. The Upper Room Worship Experience, a movement which has taken a life of its own internationally, reached the UK for the first time. 

Christian music in the UK has coursed unchartered territory in 2022 for this generation. The night continued to fan the revival flames stoked by the “Thy Kingdom Come” concert in July (Nathaniel Bassey, Dunsin Oyekan, Victoria Orenze).

Opening worshipper Juanita Francis set the tone for the intimate time with the Father we were to have for the remainder of the night. On the night, worship was joined with intervals of prayer and a Word given by Minister Dunsin.

Many have remarked about the night that “You just had to be there!”. The power of the Holy Spirit could be felt throughout as miracles, signs, wonders and healing took place. The audience members were many but the Lord had come to meet individuals “One on One”. Dunsin’s songs have carved out their own niche in contemporary Gospel music. On the night, his anthems would weave in and out of traditional as well as modern staple songs. This signature blend nurtured the environment which brought the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the night.

We look forward to more nights like this where our modern-day revivalists, like Minister Dunsin (from the UK and abroad), spark the wonder-working power of our God to bring revival to our land. Catch clips of the night HERE

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