Sharyn follows up ‘Again’ release with transparent and vulnerable interview

We caught up with Sharyn, the versatile UK Gospel artist behind ‘Again’. In this her latest single, Sharyn embraces the themes of resilience and hope drawn from Psalm 42. She infuses the song with stirring lyrics and infectious melodies, blending pop and electronic dance elements to craft a contemporary yet deeply resonant sound. Check out our interview with her below:

What is the Inspiration behind your latest single?

‘Again’ was inspired by a friend who posted a passage from Psalm 42 onto their Instagram story. I was having one of those days where I felt disappointed that things hadn’t gone to plan and it was a reminder for me that the godly pick themselves up again and again and restore their hope and trust in God, one step at a time. The lyrics wrote themselves and when I sat at my piano, the melody came soon after. 

Catch us up, what’s been happening over the last few months with you?

I had the privilege of starting my 2024 in my home country of Uganda, which was very refreshing. I love being in the sun and with my loved ones, eating amazing fresh food. I started the year off slowly, whilst also dreaming big for myself and for my community. I was also praying and fasting with my church for most of January and upon return I’ve been in the studio working hard to complete my next project. 

What’s the most vulnerable recent experience that you’re willing to share?

My father passed away almost a year ago now, so I have been processing my grief. Every day has been different, as some days are great and full of so much joy, and others are harder. I take more moments for myself now, away from everything and the noise off social media. Music and God have been my saving grace. They’ve been a space where I can freely and safely vent, cry and write about all the emotions I feel inside. Losing the person who gave you your last name is never easy no matter the circumstances, but God comforts the brokenhearted and He has surely comforted me. 

Tell us about your most recent wins (streaming numbers, awards, nominations, etc)?

A huge win for me was taking part in the TBN x Platoon UK Gospel Music Celebration in September of last year, where I got to sit beside legends such as Noel Robinson, Faith Child and Becca Folkes. We broke bread and discussed all things Gospel and I had the honor of covering a classic song by Donnie McClurkin in a duet with Folabi Nuel. 2023 was full of so many highs and to see that over 2.5 million people, across all platforms in one year alone, had listened to my music was just so overwhelming. I am truly grateful.  

What are you trying to convey to your audience in this era?

My message never changes, and it is that no matter what we go through in life, God is always with us. This has been one of the most difficult seasons for me. There is no instruction manual on how to deal with certain hardships, but James 1:2-4 reminds us to count it all joy when we go through trials of various kinds. Even in moments where we may be struggling with our mental health and we can’t sleep or we are struggling to provide for our families and we have questions, remember that God cares and He is so kind. It’s so important that whoever listens to my music knows that these tests will allow us to grow in our resilience and we must continue to persevere, so that we may be made perfect and complete, lacking nothing. I hope to continue to be transparent and vulnerable about the trials I face and mistakes I’ve made. I am continuously learning and growing and being sharpened daily. 

Connect with Sharyn on Facebook | Instagram | Tiktok | Download/Stream her single ‘Again’ today!

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