One timely step for GMIA, one massive leap for UK Gospel

This week marked the hosting of the third in a series of Gospel Music Action Group meetings. To say the overall achievement is historic still seems somewhat of an understatement. Such was the power and potential of the decisions reached and the consensus realized.

June 11th, July 9th, August 6th, plus two smaller sub-group meetings in between; robust discussions, passionate exchanges, intense prayers; all focused on one thing – the future of the UK Gospel industry.

Thanks to co-facilitator Adebayo of for having the loveliest of hearts and for joining in such a momentous undertaking. Thanks to Juliet Fletcher and the Gospel Music Industry Alliance (GMIA) team for not just the years of service but for their humility in recognizing the ‘rising tide’ and for facilitating much-needed change. With our most attended meeting topping 70 influencers both in the room and online, a massive thanks to all who got involved in one way or another to drive the thoughts and conversation. We appreciate you.

With the substantial infrastructural shift now on the horizon, here are a few of the upcoming changes as we understand them:

  • The GMIA Board of Directors (currently 3) gets a massive influx with 6 new Directors to be appointed before October.
  • The UK Gospel community gets to determine who the new Directors will be through a national Nominations Committee.
  • The UK has been split into 6 regions with each responsible for selecting 2 individuals (plus a 3rd from the most populous) to make up the voting Nominations Committee:
    – Ireland (2)
    – Scotland (2)
    – North (2)
    – Midlands (2)
    – South East & London (3)
    – South West & Wales (2)
  • The new Board of Directors governing the organisation will, at their first meeting elect a chairperson.
  • The new Board of Directors will appoint a Chief Executive Officer to manage the day-to-day operations of the organisation.
  • The new CEO will look to appoint a management/operations team to carry out the work of the organisation.

Regional meetings are now set for the Midlands (today Friday 9th August) and South East & London (Wednesday 14th August). Scotland and North will be announced soon along with the other regions.

It is a most exciting time and there is great anticipation for the new faces, fresh ideas and importantly the many more hands & hearts joined for the work ahead. With a blueprint organisational chart comprising potential departments such as Strategic Partnerships, Church Laiason, Technology & Innovation, Artist Support, and Education, to name a few, the future looks bright indeed. The issue was never the lack of talent – that we have in abundance. The time for turning north seems to have finally arrived.

So how can you get involved? While this national process is underway, why not reach out to those in your region – the influencers, the leaders, the artists, the promoters. Connect and plug-in as someone somewhere will already be involved in the series of meetings that started 3 months ago. In addition to that and for more information, contact GMIA, plus aStepFWD along with 7GospelTracks are always happy to point you in the right direction.

It’s incumbent on ALL of us to be the change we want to see. Let’s stand together in creating a UK Gospel Industry that we can ALL be proud of. An industry that will grow stronger for the generations to come.

It might start with GMIA but the responsibility also rests with each of us and what a thrilling journey it will be!

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