Have you heard Matt Redman’s new album “Coming Back to the Heart (Live Collection)”?
If not, I would highly recommend doing so! This wonderful reimagining of his classic work is inspiring, and allows you to experience his timeless messages afresh. Designed to “help us sing age-old truth in a fresh way”, I think it is fair to say that he has achieved his goal with this album.
I grew up listening to Matt Redman, singing his songs in church – and the car, and at home, and in the shower. His powerful rhythms and spirit-filled lyrics helped guide me when I gave my life to Jesus aged 11. And despite how much I love his work, it is easy for any music, when listened to enough, to become almost mundane. You find yourself singing it out of comfort with a familiar song rather than taking in the words and notes anew.
Well, this inventive new album renews your experience of Matt Redman’s work and allows you to appreciate his songs as if for the first time. ’10,000 Reasons’, my little sister’s absolute favourite ‘church’ song that we’ve probably sung 10,000 times, is brought into new light by his gospel-style additions to the tune I knew so well. Seeing this song in a new light was, for me, refreshing and encouraging, and allowed me to reconnect with the ever-true message of the song.
My personal favourite from this new album, though, has to be the incredible blend of ‘Never Once / You Never Let Go’. These two songs blend seamlessly together as if they were always meant to be connected. This was a revelation for me, that they perfectly tell of God’s faithfulness together, and is one I am going to be singing in the shower from now on!
And of course, we can’t forget the exciting addition of a new song ‘Let me see Jesus’, which encapsulates the central message of this album. That when the soul has glimpsed God’s incredible glory, the natural reaction is to sing his praises – that he is wonderful, glorious, powerful and good to us.
Have I convinced you to give it a listen? If so, look no further. You can listen to it on all platforms here