London Renewal 2015 | for the worshipper who happens to be…

noel kwm

We were created to Worship God. The whole story of our redemption retells how we were created to worship God but by our sin became disqualified from that true and authentic worship. By God’s redemption in Jesus Christ, we were created anew for the purpose of worshipping God and every glimpse of heaven we have in scripture indicates that worship will be our eternal occupation.

The vision of the Kingdom Worship Movement (KWM) can be best described as a movement of people who are kingdom minded in the pursuit of God’s will in their lives, towns, cities and nations, and seek to encourage the worshipper to bring about the Kingdom of God in every sphere governing their lives. KWM seeks to encourage relational and intimate worship with a true and living God to bring about a true celebration of Christ in the World.

KWM is a non denominational global ministry committed to multicultural, multi-ethnic and recognises the multiplicity of the many global worship forms. KWM as a global ministry also see’s its responsibility to enhance the local church in worship through teaching, empowerment, development and training in all aspects of music and the relevant skills needed to apply the Kingdom mandate within a locality. The KWM mandate seeks to understand and celebrate the breath and diversity of our worship cultures in this present generation. KWM seeks to enhance the theological and prophetic mandate and position of the Kingdom Worshipper.

This mandate is not just for the worshipper, pastor or musician but it’s for the Body of Christ, it’s for the worshipper who happens to be…

So what are you waiting for? Click on image below and get more info and your ticket now!

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