Firefly Worship EP listening lounge gets huge support.

firefly worship

Step FWD was able to join FireFly as she celebrated the launch of her debut EP ‘Worship in the Wilderness’ on Saturday 22nd March! It was one of those ‘better late than never’ situations as we were rushing from another event in Birmingham but having committed to supporting the #10 artist in the 2013 Step FWD UK Top 10 Christian Chart just had to be there.

From all accounts Firefly & the band treated the many guests to a special live performance of the tracks as well as sharing on the journey behind the songs and letting us in on her heart for the project. It seemed to have been a fantastic evening with free drinks and cakes available as well as hard copies of the EP to purchase!

Singer Deborah Gillingham was happily meeting and greeting members of the audience when I arrived and mentioned that “…the support was overwhelming, many more people than I expected”. It was good to see the many guests who lingered behind talking and fellowshipping and at least giving me an opportunity to take some pictures.

I was happy to be there with all the friendly faces and it was great to finally meet the voice of Firefly Worship. Look forward to hearing much more from Deborah this year. Purchase ‘Worship in the Wilderness’ on iTunes and support an amazing emerging artist.

Unfortunately we weren’t able to get any performance pictures but check with Joey Ariya Photography as we hear they might have captured some. In the meantime have a look at the post performance snaps we managed to get and feel free to like, comment, tag and share.

firefly worship deborah


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