World-renown apologist Dr. Ravi Zacharias aged 74 dies of cancer

Popular and world-renowned apologist Ravi Zacharias died Tuesday 19th May 2020, two months after he announced he had been diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer. He was 74 years old and is survived by his wife, Margaret, their three children and five grandchildren. He was known for his work which focused on apologetics – defending the existence of God and the Christian faith.

Born on 26th March 1946 in Chennai India, he later moved to Delhi with his family where he was raised. It was in Delhi where he met a Christian worker who introduced him to the God of the bible, and at the young age of 17, with a simple prayer, Ravi gave his life to Christ. In 1966 he immigrated to Canada with his family; he gained an undergraduate degree from Tyndale University (previously known as Ontario Bible College) which was the first major stepping stone into his life-long study of theology.

In his youth, Ravi Zacharias had been told he would never travel the world, but God clearly had other plans. He would go on to share the message of the gospel in more than 70 countries in his 48-year career, praying with military personnel in Vietnam, ministering to students in Cambodia, speaking before political leaders in Moscow and leading 100s to Christ in Mozambique. It is noted that within a 12-month span, he would preach close to 600 times in over a dozen countries. It is therefore no surprise that at the age of 37 he was invited by Billy Graham to minister at the inaugural International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists. It was at this conference where he first identified the need for Christian Apologist, and thus in the summer of 1984, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RIZM) was founded, which focused on apologetic arguments for the existence of God and the reasonableness of Christianity.

It would be near impossible for us to list all of the amazing things he has done for Christ, there are the countless books he wrote (more than 30) starting with his first book in 1990 A Shattered Visage: The Real Face of Atheism, alongside The Grand Weaver, Why Jesus? and The Logic of God. His many speaking engagements, seminars, discussions, teachings and sermons are what led to him becoming a leader to many, and an inspiration for thousands of Christians around the world. Across social media, many have shared their gratitude and appreciation for his life under the hashtag #ThankYouRavi including:

CalledoutMusic: “God has used Ravi to bless so many people, that Christians now have more boldness, knowledge and evidence to defend the faith. We rejoice with heaven today #ThankYouRavi

A Star Music: “Rest in peace, you ran your race well.”

Preston Perry: “Thank you for everything Ravi Zacharias. Rest well brother.”

Andy Mineo: “One of the people to have the biggest impacts on my faith journey is Ravi Zacharias… what a giant in the faith. Thank you for the lifetime of service and the brilliant mind you shared with the world. The ripple effects of your work, life and writing will live on for generations!! #ThankYouRavi”

Ravi Zacharias will forever be remembered as a man of the faith, a man who spent his days serving Christ and defending the gospel. His battle with Sarcoma was short, but his legacy and the imprint he has made on the world (believer and non-believer alike) will last for years to come. #ThankYouRavi

For more information, please visit the RIZM website here.

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