
We are proud to bring you the monthly UK Christian Chart, an amazing showcase listing of the United Kingdom’s abundant

There were 33 tracks submitted to the UK Christian Chart August 2016 listing and very tough decisions for both Judges

The August 2016 #1 artist Fiona Yorke has come a long way in a short period of time at least

With their first ever appearance in the UK Christian Chart, singing couple Rich and Lydia Dicas scored a #3 hit

We are proud to bring you the monthly UK Christian Chart, an amazing listing of the United Kingdom’s abundant and

‘All Things New’ is the latest single from Rich and Lydia Dicas. This song has a memorable melody in the

This September 2nd, the UK’s premier monthly Christian, DJ-led club night – Praise Party – celebrates Beats, Rhymes & Christ

The latest ‘I See You’ by Lamp Mode international artist S.O. is an upbeat summer jam dedicated to all of

UK based singer/songwriter, Gospel artist and worship leader DESOLA, is in love with God and passionate for the Gospel to

There are artists and there are ‘artists’. You know, those ones who are always digging deeper, doing more and constantly

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