Opener Pam Rhodes Sings Songs Of Praise To CRE

A great opportunity to see what’s new and all that’s happening in the Christian world! That’s exactly how Pam Rhodes (pictured above with Ting Tang & O’Neil Dennis of aStepFWD) views Christian Resources Exhibition International which she opened for the first time yesterday, Tuesday 17 May 2016.

‘I always love CRE and to be asked to open the show and the first London Christian Book Fair at the same time, was a great honour,’ said Pam, best known for presenting BBC TV’s Songs of Praise.

Pam cut her teeth in news journalism but since 1987 has been best known as the familiar face of Songs of Praise. In that time she has interviewed people ranging from The Pope to Dolly Parton, earning herself a reputation as a highly professional and empathetic interviewer.

More recently she has established herself as a mainstream author. At CRE she will introduce her latest collection of favourite hymns, Then Sings My Soul, as well as her Dunbridge Chronicles fiction series, the most recent title of which is Saints and Sailors. The first London Christian Book Fair, a show-within-a-show, will enable Christian publishers to introduce new titles to thousands of leaders and opinion formers.

Event director Bill Allen said: ‘CRE’s move to ExCeL last year means we can grow a book fair that will serve thousands who already come to CRE to stock up on new titles. It also has the potential to boost UK Christian publishing on an international level.

‘In 2015 visitors to CRE spent approximately £40,000 on books and music so there’s a firm foundation on which to grow a strategic event.’

Four days of seminars, workshops and book signings are planned with author Adrian Plass, Jennifer Rees Larcombe, Simon Parke, Colin Urquhart, Michael Harvey and Krish Kandiah among those scheduled to take part. 

‘Our long-term aim is to build a fair that is renowned internationally, offering real benefit to European and US publishers,’ said Allen. 

More than 300 exhibitors are displaying everything from sound systems to stained glass, pews to puppets at CRE International. Some 100 practical and resourcing seminars are scheduled along with some of the best in Christian theatre and music. 

CRE International takes place at ExCeL, London, from Tuesday 17th through to Friday 20 May 2016 so still time to book your tickets and join us! For opening hours and tickets visit or phone 01793 418218.

O’Neil Dennis

Chief Editor for aStepFWD and Founder of the UK Christian Chart. O’Neil or Dennis (he answers to both) is a true creative for whom “only the best is good enough”.

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