November 2019 Top 20 Chart

Just when we thought October had the biggest number of submissions in the UK Christian Chart, in blasts November and tops them all with a fantastic 57 tracks. Once again, to celebrate this milestone, the monthly Top 10 has been enlarged to a Top 20! In recent news as well, November 2019 marked the start of an amazing partnership with Compassion UK to not just bring you the UK Christian Chart for the next 12 months, but with the missional aim to see 200 children alleviated from poverty, through sponsorship from caring and kind-hearted individuals such as yourself. What a fantastic way to combine music and ministry. 195 to go so sponsor a child today!

Well done to all submitted artists and special congrats to the Top 20 artists. Thanks as always to ALL the voters and to our hardworking Judges. Be sure to check out our updated UK Christian Chart Spotify Playlist.

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