Music Review: “The Onlookers” by Jacob Hilton

Jacob Hilton, a singer-songwriter from London has just dropped his debut album “The Onlookers” in June. Jacob is not new sharing his songs with the world, as he has released amazing EPs in the past, “Run” in 2016, and “The Valley” a couple of years later. This time, he is back with a beautiful album with 10 songs that tells the story of the Gospel. Each song telling a different part of the story of Jesus and the people around Him, from John the Baptist, to the children, Pilate, the crucifixion, the resurrection and more. Jacob is very skilful in incorporating biblical imagery, events and spiritual revelations into his writing, as once again demonstrated in this album. This is what Jacob has to say about his new album,

“ten songs, filled with soaring strings and instruments reminiscent of a time of old, that retell the stories of people who encountered Jesus … And so it is with excitement and relief that I present to you “The Onlookers”: ten songs and ten encounters with the man that shook up everything.”

The album contains a wide range of dynamics and energy, due to the arrangements of the songs and instrumentation. Jacob draws his inspirations from listening to film-scores and has incorporated strings into many of his arrangements throughout the album. There is also a very satisfying balance between acoustic instruments (such as guitar, drums and percussions) and electronic instruments and effects (such as reverse delay, ambience reverbs, filters and electric drum kit). To someone who loves acoustic instruments and appreciates modern electronic instruments and arrangements, this album is for you. Not to mention the different genres this album demonstrates. Jacob has also been collaborating with other artists who share his vision. With the help of Josoldier, a fellow artist based in the UK, Jacob was able to incorporate rap into his track “Water”, a genre not previously heard from his releases. There are also influences of what seems like 80’s rock music as well in the track “Innocent”, full of chunky distorted guitar and electric guitar riffs. However, the dominant aspect of this album is the overarching story and meaning behind the lyrics.

This is an album about the story of the life of Jesus and the people who were touched by Him. The album starts with a gentle song “Fire”, how Jesus “long for us” to know and be saved by Him. The unimaginable love and compassion of God for mankind led Him to send His only son Jesus to rescue us, “into the grave to bring us home”. Following this, a “voice in the desert” telling those who hear to “prepare the way”, the words of John the Baptist. 

What is impressive is Jacob’s ability to add a fresh perspective to well known biblical events, such as the song “Talitha Koum” meaning “little girl, arise”, the very words spoken by Jesus to Jairus in Mark 5. The lyrics themselves are re-imagined words of Jesus to Jairus and his daughter. Not only that, but the clever musical arrangement is also complimenting the emotions and activity of the story being told, a clever and beautiful song indeed. But as Jacob demonstrates his ability to compose amazing arrangements, he also demonstrates that sometimes, less is more, as seen in “Child”. A slow and simple song, mostly played on a single acoustic guitar, accompanied by strings, weaving together to form a gorgeous and relaxing instrumental section.

The final four tracks tell the story of Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, resurrection, and ending with an instrumental, called “New”. “Innocent”, tells about the trials of Christ from the perspective of Pilate. When standing face to face with Jesus, the only conclusion Pilate can come up with is “I find no fault in this man, he is innocent”. A reoccurring statement that some people that day would say about Jesus, which leads us into the next song, “Should Be Me”. This song is from the perspective of someone evaluating the judgment placed upon Jesus, “it should be me, not the son”. Possibly to repeat the words of one of the thieves crucified alongside Jesus, “and we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong” (Luke 23:41 NASB). As Christ-followers, we are well aware of His triumph, our salvation, “Here Right Now” is about that, inspired by the words of Jesus found in Luke 24 as he speaks with his disciples among other things. 

Jacob has truly produced an amazing album, one that not only shares his creativity, dedication and hard work but tells the story of the greatest love of all. This album is so rich in orchestration and meaning, it is not hard to see that the writer’s heart behind this piece of work and that he is singing from a place of understanding and revelation of the love of Christ. His interpretation of these biblical passages makes this album relatable to so many people around the world. It is great to see the heart of God being sung through these songs. Definitely an album you should check out for yourself. As for Jacob, he states that:

“My hope has always been that, with every song, not only does the music move you but that the lyrics prominently speak of both the rawness and life-giving joy of faith.”

Connect with Jacob on Facebook Twitter Instagram

Listen to his new album “The Onlookers” HERE

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