Marcia Dixon, Steve Goddard of Christian Resources Exhibition & those first steps

A week ago we attended a fantastic 30th anniversary appreciation of Marcia Dixon and her substantial contribution to the UK Gospel community through media. It is great when we can honour individuals and institutions, especially while they and those involved are around to enjoy the cheers and see the impact of their labour.

While we were reflecting on Marcia’s journalism debut as a teenager, an email popped into our inbox that had to do with another long-standing and important inclusion in the Christian journey here in the United Kingdom. It was from CRE and had us thinking how important it was to be obedient and faithful to God and how small beginnings become mighty oaks in the fullness of time.

Marcia told us yesterday that “it was a journey” and while we acknowledge her humility, we also recognise that many started a work and for whatever reason weren’t able to continue. So in Marcia’s steadfastness and perseverance there is much to celebrate.


Speaking of longevity, 2 years ago when our team visited the long-running Christian Resources Exhibition we were totally blown away by the volume and diversity of organisations on display. Pam Rhodes a familiar face on BBC Songs of Praise was spot on when she told us it’s “A great opportunity to see what’s new and all that’s happening in the Christian world!”

Founded by Gospatric and Diana Home in 1985, the National Christian Resources Exhibition at Sandown Park, became the largest annual event of its kind in Europe. On his retirement in 2006, Gospatric Home sold CRE to the Bible Society.


Hard work and dedication is a hallmark of both Marcia and CRE. Below is the email we received titled “My long journey to Sandown Park” from Steve Goddard, who after more than 30 years as its press officer, could not contemplate the end of Europe’s largest annual exhibition for churches – so he bought it from the Bible Society.

‘Ah, but I might as well try and catch the wind…’

I had mastered all four and a half chords of Donovan’s little ditty so was good to go. At least, that was what I was told before the first of many ‘folk evenings’ (these were the 60s, man) at Emmanuel Church, South Croydon. It was my first-ever solo musical performance at 15 years of age!


Local church was a strategic starting point where I was given the opportunity to hone skills that became incredibly useful throughout my professional and personal life.

Simon Barrington’s new study of today’s millennial leaders, unveiled this coming week at CRE 2018, will reveal how many are indebted to the local church for their first chance to lead, to make mistakes – and land softly. Many are now in high-powered positions in commercial and charitable organisations.

Sadly, many churches are struggling in this area. On Tuesday, Simon’s consultancy will launch a website, helping us answer the question: ’How millennial-ready is your church?’ More here. With churches often sustained by an ageing leadership, it is vital emerging leaders are encouraged and nurtured, for roles at church and in their wider careers.

After that initial performance at the folk evening (the ‘younger’ photo was taken when I was nearly 30) I mastered three more chords and performed all over Britain as well as Ireland, Holland, Belgium and Switzerland – recording an album of my own songs for Kingsway Music and editing the forerunner of what is now Christianity magazine. At the other end of my career, I find myself owning and managing, with a fabulously talented team, the Christian Resources Exhibition. But without encouragement to take those first steps at 15, I doubt any of it would have happened.

I hope you will catch the winds of change and join us at Sandown Park this coming week (16-18 Oct) as we look to support and encourage the next generation of leaders.

So while we look forward to the next 30 years from both Marcia and Steve go check out all that’s happening in the Christian world!

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