Judges Voting November

Another exciting month with a whopping 35 tracks for your listening pleasure. After a successful re-launch last month the UK Christian Chart (now in its 20th month) is ready with the November listing for you to listen/watch and choose your favourite tracks from amongst established acts alongside some fresh new faces. You are sure to be blessed! We are still tweaking to give you the best experience possible so feel free to send in your feedback.

PLEASE NOTE: This page is ONLY for Judges so please do NOT share with anyone.


• You only have to register once
• Listen to ALL tracks before you vote by tapping the track name
• select your Number 1 track from the first column
• select your Number 2 track from the second column
• select your Number 3 track from the third column
• click the vote button at the bottom
• you can only vote once for each track
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