INTERVIEW: Journey into the Depths: Yemi Alafifuni on ‘Deep’ and God’s love

We had the privilege of catching up with Yemi Alafifuni about his new song, Deep, which dives into understanding God’s love. Inspired by his own journey and a deep encounter with divine love, Yemi’s song takes listeners on a meaningful exploration. Check out our interview with him below:

What would you say are some of the main messages in the project?

Have you ever asked yourself, how deep is Christ’s love for you? The story of Easter really fascinates me and in awe I can’t but ask why?

Despite knowing the price, why pay in advance for sins not committed yet?
Why suffer at the hands of your own creation?
The honest answer shocks me more… Love!
Plain, simply for love’s sake!

There are no words good enough.
No reasoning sensible enough.
No song deep enough.
Why He loves us so much, none can fathom.

The kind of love displayed on the cross is inexplicable… Eph. 3:19

I have dedicated quality time to research depths of God’s love and honestly I cannot find where it ends.

My conclusion therefore is in Psalm 139:17-19;
“How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with You.”

So how far will God go for you?
Truth is: The farthest possible and this was the journey to the cross.

What has been one of your proudest moments in your journey so far?

I have enjoyed many success since starting out as a music minister. Some of which are;

My debut album was released in February 2019. Followed by a single “Chains Fall” released in February 2020 which charted on iTunes charts and peaked at no. 3 in the UK Christian/Gospel genre. My follow-up releases “Behold the Lamb” and “Hope Alive” were voted number one on A STEP FWD Official UK Charts. Hope Alive peaked at no. 14 in the iTunes Finland Christian & Gospel Chart.

I received multiple Grammys consideration including ‘Best New Artist.’ ‘HERE’ was selected as ‘Track of the Week’ by UK’s Premier Gospel Radio and as the ‘Spotlight Song’ on UCB 2 in 2022.

Beyond all these, my proudest moments in my journey so far is reading all the comments from people around the world who are being blessed by the message that God has placed in these songs. This for me is a gift that keeps giving.

What is the inspiration for this project?

Writing ‘Deep’ was a journey of thoughts, questions and ecstatic discovery of God’s love.

About two years ago, I was in deep thought and had many questions for my Father. Asking these questions loudly or in the company of believers could be construed as being ungrateful or doubtful. But they were questions about my call and I secretly demanded answers.

Round about this time, I reluctantly attended our mid-week bible study session on a Wednesday and my pastor’s wife (Pastor Gloria Olujobi) was teaching on Love.

In this session, she taught on Ephesians 3:17-19 especially on vs 18 where she began to explain what the dimensions of God’s love looked like. My love language is love in its purest form so I was super attentive and captivated at the same time. It was as though it was my first time hearing about love, true and pure.

This captivated my heart and suddenly I felt a flood of light, love, and ecstasy towards God. I really couldn’t explain it.

As I returned home that night, I decided to read and research into how far or deep God’s love was.

This is when I started writing ‘Deep’.

The chorus is in my local dialect (Yoruba). Its meaning is rooted in a promise deep in the heart of a gift God gave me when my daughter was born. A promise to love come what may…

Fun fact: One of my daughter’s name made it into the lyrics of the song.

This song is a true love story between me and a God called Love. It is my worship that transcends situations, emotions and desires. Truth is we may never comprehend the dimensions of His love but one thing is for sure, He loves us.

See the music video below.


What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you?

Have faith.

In this day and age, there’s a demand placed on creatives to keep creating since it feeds the algorithms, all in the hope of making it someday. I have struggled with my passion for quality (no matter the costs) and the industry’s hunger for quantity… How can I measure up?

The greatest advice in this period where I questioned why God wants me to stay here has come from my wife and kids… have faith in God.

My wife has often asked that I do what God wants rather than what pleases men… even if it meant rejection from gatekeepers. Have faith in God not in your abilities.

This advice though cliche for some has kept me going.

What are your plans?

By God’s grace, I would be completing the recording of my next album. This body of works (album) focuses on the desire in God’s heart as a father which is to see all sons and daughters come back home.

Recent releases from this body of work are FOUND, HOME, DEEP & DNA.

In addition, my team and I are planning a concert in the UK. Details will be confirmed soon.

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