GO FEST 2013: Healing a Broken World


Leading Scottish rock band, Royal Foundlings, will be playing a live gig on Saturday 4 May at GO FEST 2013, as well as leading the worship for the entire weekend Youth Zone programme.

Here at Step FWD there is a mission to attend as many events as possible this year. OK so the thought of camping is still a bit fresh and scary but another sacrifice for the Kingdom. Plus there is a great need for more modern day John the Baptist, out in the wilderness of the world without the Sky channels, hot water, central heating, possibly internet, and all the other luxuries we take so much for granted in this techie age.

The programme looks pretty cool with various prayer sessions, seminars and panel discussions. There are a few speakers of note as well including Elliott Tepper (founder of Betel which has grown from a single Church and rehab community to over 100 Churches and communities in 24 nations over the 20 years) Andy Hawthorne OBE (British evangelist, author and leader of The Message Trust Christian Mission based in Manchester reaching over 100,000 young people in Manchester and beyond every year) and Jackie Pullinger MBE (who is described as a British Protestant Christian charismatic missionary working in the most dangerous city in Hong Kong since 1966)

So why not come join us at WEC International Buckinghamshire May 3-6 and help to heal a broken world! Click here for more info.

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