In a world obsessed with image, branding, influence and style, these are intimidating days for communicators and creatives. Gas Street Music take inspiration from the words of the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth for their brand new EP, “This Is Jesus“. To a people questioning his credentials and gifting as a leader he writes,
“For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” 1 Corinthians 2:2
The hope of the world is not to be found in great new songs, eloquent words, impressive organisations and events. The hope of the world is found in a person and his name is Jesus. At a time of chaos, darkness and uncertainty Gas Street Music inspire us to be bold in declaring the truth of who Jesus is. The God who walks with us, weeps with us and speaks to us. The one who bled and died for us. The resurrected Christ who now rules and reigns over us. “This is Jesus“! And what power there is in his name. What life is unleashed when we sing of what his done. What freedom comes when we respond to who he is. For there is no higher name. This Is Jesus!