Dunsin Oyekan shows us ‘The Future’ with powerful new single + album

This past weekend, gospel music minister  Dunsin Oyekan released his sixth album “The Great Commision”. The Nigerian worship leader has touched the hearts of worshippers across the globe in the last decade with his catalogue of soul-stirring songs (including ‘Open Up’, ‘Breathe’, ‘Fragrance to Fire’, ‘Who is on the Lord’s Side’). “The Great Commission” adds to this repertoire. 

The new album is a great listen and highly recommended. There is no shortage of standout moments on an album that features not just other Nigerian Gospel artists (Theophilus Sunday and Lawrence Oyor) but also international acts (Naomi Raine, Sheldon Bangera, Matt Marvane, and Joseph Espinoza). “The Eagle’s” heart for revival and ear for capturing its sound, makes him an artist to be reckoned with in the current age.

The track list of “The Great Commission”:

  1. Worthy of My Praise (Dunsin Oyekan, Lawrence Oyor)
  2. Sing over Me (Dunsin Oyekan)
  3. Kadosh (Dunsin Oyekan)
  4. More Than Anything (Dunsin Oyekan)
  5. Emperor of the Universe (Dunsin Oyekan, Theophilus Sunday)
  6. Yeshua (Dunsin Oyekan)
  7. Upper Room Anthem (Dunsin Oyekan)
  8. Glory Song (Dunsin Oyekan)
  9. City of God (Dunsin Oyekan)
  10. No Me Without You (Dunsin Oyekan)
  11. Ogo (Dunsin Oyekan, Theophilus Sunday)
  12. The Worshipper’s Song (Dunsin Oyekan)
  13. Undignified (Excuse Me) (Dunsin Oyekan)
  14. The Future (Dunsin Oyekan, Naomi Raine, Matt Marvane, Sheldon Bangera, Joseph Espinoza)

The album closes out with ‘The Future’ (video above and released a day before the full album) which is a collaboration with Naomi Raine, Sheldon Bangera, Matt Marvane, and Joseph Espinoza. The song features 5 different languages and is an anthem of faith and a call for believers to embrace the future with hope and purpose.

Dunsin described it as a song “close to [his] heart”. It heralds what’s to come in the full album. It’s a bold declaration that Jesus, our Lord, is coming. We are in the Kingdom era. It is time to bring in the harvest of souls waiting to know Jesus. It is time to see the fulfillment of this scripture as the nations of the earth remember and turn to the Lord:

”All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, And all the families of the nations Shall worship before You. For the kingdom is the Lord’s, And He rules over the nations.“ Psalms‬ ‭22‬:‭27‬-‭28‬ ‭NKJV‬‬”

Download/Stream “The Great Commission” below:

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