Daily Updates from One Man In The Middle of CREATION FEST

So Creation Fest opened last night and One Man In The Middle is going to try and bring you something of our experiences. We’ll be posting photos on Instagram and Facebook from the events of each day as well as some of what we have got up to.Check out our recent interview with James Herring from Speak, Brother.

Just to set the scene we are camping. Yes One Man and One Woman with 6 kids! So our time is in great demand to try and get around the site struggling with disabilities and moany kids! On Friday it was mainly about getting the tent set up, and then realising it was all wrong and turning the insides around, whilst trying to utilise and entertain the talents of our family. Needless to say it was a tiring night and crawling into bed sometime around midnight we had both had a long day and things just weren’t comfortable. One Woman wanted to go home, Chronic Fatigue and camping is not a good combination…

Read full update from Day 1

Day 2 – So the first full day started wet, as did we because the campsite that our tent is inexpertly pitched on is sloped slightly and I and one of the kids in the other end of the tent had rolled to the edges. A damp start is not what you need. As the day wore on the sun tried to shine and then it clouded over, then more sunshine. With the festival site in full swing with campers and glampers and day visitors and church groups all getting together to experience the diversity of a day at Creation Fest!

So with it being Sunday the Big Shed was absolutely packed out as people came to join in with worship led by Ben Cantelon and then the word based on the theme of this years event, Love + Truth, with Brian Brodersen…

Read full update from Day 2

Day 3 – We are all starting to get into the swing of the ebb and flow of the festival now, every festival is slightly different, but it’s great that sometimes there is no pressure. Although for us with the kids things can be regulated by mealtimes, because although you may be tempted to skip a meal they certainly won’t be! So we started out on a marvellous Monday that would see some more great music, art and much more.

So today was definitely what I would bill as a lazy day. Taking the time without the kids to spend with friends and family who were at the festival for the first time ever. Lots of chatting and laughter is great, although there definitely could have been more tea and coffee involved, but that was about circumstance, not availability as there are a number of venues on site that act as cafe’s…

Read full update from Day 3

Day 4 – in sometimes sunny Cornwall, but hey, as Guvna B reminded us, we don’t mind the Weatherman! We have just come back from the Big Shed and the wind is blowing a little across our tent. Many people have headed down to the bonfire at the bottom of the site, but not us, six tired kids (not to mention two tired adults) need an early night tonight!

Here are my thoughts about Day 4 at Creation Fest in Wadebridge featuring my parents, a bee sting, a grumpy tired girl, Guvna B and Richard Morris and a cast of hundreds and some sheep!

It’s been another day of running around the festival site chasing after kids and catching up on a whole range of things, like writing these. We are in that stage where we seem to be constantly charging things at the moment. We have two cameras, four mobile phones and one laptop and no electricity in our tent! We are relying on the generosity of the team here to get all this done!..

Read full update from Day 4

This page is brought to you by aStepFWD in assoc. with One Man In The Middle | Images courtesy of Creation Fest

Still time to catch amazing acts and activities today and tomorrow so head on over to creationfest.org.uk

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