Care for those most in need drives evangelical engagement in politics

A research report conducted by the Evangelical Alliance, released today, reveals some insightful findings about how evangelical Christians in the UK are engaging with politics, what issues facing the UK presently matter most to them and what determines their vote. The report, Thinking faithfully about politics, also shares the views of evangelicals on the question ‘How would Jesus engage with politics?’

Key Findings:

  • Evangelical Christians care about politics, with 93% of those surveyed stating if there was a general election tomorrow, they would certainly or most likely vote. (This is compared to the turnout of the general population which has ranged between 65%-69% in recent years).
  • The biggest factor influencing how evangelicals will vote is the impact that their vote will have on others. 58% of respondents say that one of the main factors that determines which party they vote for is who they believe will best help those most in need.
  • 76% of respondents believe Jesus would befriend politicians of all parties.

Director of advocacy, Danny Webster, says: “The findings are both encouraging and insightful. There’s great diversity in how evangelicals vote, the issues they care about and how they put this into practice. The results of our survey revealed, there’s appetite for more engagement in politics, but also distrust of politicians and frustration with political parties.”

“Ahead of the general election, we want to see evangelical Christians praying for politics, equipped to think and vote faithfully, and to build relationships with candidates that will last far beyond election day.”

The report provides a snapshot of how evangelicals think and act as they engage in politics and gives much food for thought for individual evangelicals, church leaders and MPs.

Gavin Calver CEO of the Evangelical Alliance says:  “As we approach a general election, I’m delighted that we are able to provide this overview of the key factors for evangelicals. This is an important year for the UK, and I pray that this resource will support, encourage and serve our membership in the election ahead.”

The Thinking faithfully about politics report and more of the advocacy general election resources can be found HERE

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