By George! What’s all this fuss about a name?

Step FWD would like to add our congratulation to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their son on Monday. It has now been revealed that they have named him George Alexander Louis.

The third in line to the throne will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge. Charles Mosley, author of Blood Royal, told the BBC he knew it would be George. “It was the name of the sovereigns under whom this country became a world player – in the 19th Century, defeating Napoleon, and in the 20th Century, winning two world wars…”

As well as being an established regal name, George is also a saint’s name. St George was an early Christian martyr and is the patron saint of England. There was worldwide speculation on what the name would be and we were reminded of the importance of the name that unites all Christians all over the earth, brings us the hope of salvation and allows us to be joint heirs.

Philipians 2:10 tells us that His name is THE name that truly matters ‘That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;’

Nevertheless we rejoice with the royal couple and look forward to the health, strength and potential earthly reign of Prince George of Cambridge, deo volente.

Step FWD

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