BEM recipient John Fisher releases Children’s Book combatting racial divide

Award-winning and Croydon-based resident John Fisher, has been in the music business for over 40 years and has shared his gift,  playing for some of the biggest names in gospel and soul music. “Being the drummer behind people like The London Community Gospel Choir, Chaka Khan, Mica Paris, Alexandra O’neal, Denise Williams and so much more has given me an amazing life” says John. 

John started his journey in school 12 years ago with We Sing U Sing UK. This music program aimed towards empowering children and building their self-esteem through teaching gospel music and songs of empowerment, was the driving force behind him being nominated for and receiving the BEM Honour of the Queen in 2020. 

Emerging from the success of We Sing U Sing UK, a children’s book series called “Music Town” was birthed. A niche in the market was apparent, when last year saw the division of cultures on a worldwide scale. This book series is focused on teaching children about coming together as one, and showing each other nothing but love, and is based around the songs taught to them through the We Sing U Sing UK program. 

This first instalment in the series, “Come Together” is now available outside of the UK via Amazon, and in the UK on Shopify; after launching a limited print amount during the Christmas period of  2020. 

World Book Day is Thursday the 4th of March, 2021 and with an almost sold-out start on the 1st limited release of the book, it looks set to do very well with the worldwide release on Amazon. 

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