Andy Flannagan’s new whole-life worship ‘Not Made for the Harbour’ with LICC & TKC

Andy Flannagan, one of the UK’s top worship artists, has released Not Made for the Harbour’, a new song commissioned by the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC) and Thy Kingdom Come. Perfect for Sunday worship, it uses the metaphor of sailing out of the harbour to encourage Christians to join in God’s work in the world rather than just in our safe Christian bubbles – leaving his mark in town halls and factories, fields and offices, markets and schools. 

It’s a call to be bold in the power of the Spirit, to trust him even though life can be ‘cold and dark’, and to pray that ‘this worn world would be transformed’ as he works through us in our ordinary places.

The song is released with a fun animated music video showing what that might look like in practice, as God works through three Christians – a factory employee, a school pupil, and a local councillor – to bring justice, mercy, and reconciliation in their everyday contexts. Andy Flannagan commented:

“This song is all about joining in God’s work for the benefit of the people he’s put us alongside and the places he’s put us. Because we have a Saviour who left the safety of heaven to change the world – and he invites us to follow his example. 

As the song and video show, though it can be ‘wild and cold and dark’ out there, ‘it’s where we’re meant to be’. The adventure of faith happens in all of life – and the Holy Spirit goes with us, empowering us to make good work, mould culture, model godly character, minister grace and love, stand up for justice, and share the gospel.

The hope is that people singing the song or watching the video at church or at home will think, “Hey, maybe God cares about my daily life – maybe what I do at work, or with the kids, or in my hobby group really matters. Maybe God’s working through me there just as much as in the church welcome team or preaching rota.

And my prayer is they’ll be inspired to ask God what he’s calling them to out in his world – whether it’s something new, or just a fresh perspective on a role or place he’s already given them. Because he is at work through all of us, right where we are.”

LICC is also releasing a host of supporting materials to help churches use the song to inspire their congregations, including chord sheets, a backing track, and an interview with Andy Flannagan, telling the story behind the song – and the impact he hopes it will have in the world. It will also be released on streaming services in late May.

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