On the Saturday 19th of April, hundreds of people gathered at the Rainbow Theatre in Finsbury Park for the Universal Women’s Day. It was truly a day to remember.
The day was dedicated to teaching women and men about their value. There were on stage interviews of ladies that were abused in past relationships and marriages, one even sexually abused from the age of 9 – 14. Some of their experiences were shocking. One lady spoke about how her husband even tortured her to the point of her wanting to kill herself. It truly was an eye opening event.
The women attending learnt that they do not have to put up with such treatment from anybody for that matter. They were reminded that their value is so high that the Lord Jesus paid the price on the cross.
The host Ms Nanda said something interesting about how women are always comparing themselves to other women. She asked “If you were the only woman on earth, would you see yourself as fat, or ugly…”. The answer was no, because there would be no other woman to compare to. She also said that when one does not know Jesus, that person will find it hard to value herself.
The audience were also taught that men do not like women who are ‘easy’. “A male can get you into bed, but a man will take you to the altar” were the words of Bishop Celso Junior who was co-hosting the event.
It was truly a blessed day.
Michael A