Day #1 – The Light – JOHN Chapter 1 | #21 Days Of John #21DOJ

Light of the World

“And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” John Chapter 1 verse 5

Who is the light this passage speaks about? If you read the previous verses, it describes explicitly the LORD Jesus being that light.

The word of God clearly says that light shines in the darkness, and darkness did not comprehend it. This verse is very powerful because it explains a few things.

When a person surrenders their life to the light who is the LORD Jesus, they receive this light inside of them. Yes the LORD Jesus comes and abides inside of the person.

When this encounter occurs darkness cannot remain inside of that person. Darkness in what form you may ask? Sicknesses, infirmities, depression, sin, disobedience and the list goes on. The presence of God inside a person has the power to completely eradicate all these things and the person becomes a completely new man “and that you put on a new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness” Ephesians 4: 4.

Let us seek and ask God to be a new man, a new creature, filled with light. But this can only happen when we live according to His word.

Please leave your comment and thoughts. It is important that we all learn from one another.

God Bless

Michael A

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