2016, The Year of the Unexpected?

My last article entitled ‘Should Young Christians Get Involved in Politics’ was published in April. Who could’ve foreseen that since then Britain would leave the EU. The UK would have a new Prime Minister and the Republican candidate for the US Presidential Elections would be Donald Trump?

Who in the world of sporting expertise would have predicted Leicester City’s remarkable achievement of going against the odds to win the Premier League or England’s bitter departure from Euro 2016 to the Icelandic underdogs?

Despite the compelling and unpredictable nature of this year on a worldwide scale, 2016 has proven to be largely uneventful for myself. Finishing the academic year has allowed me to reflect on whether 2016 has been what I anticipated. One of my goals was to release more music than I did last year and so far that hasn’t been the case. (With that being said, new music is on it’s way soon!)

Upon reflection I’ve been reminded that for the believer, time is a tool which should be capitalised upon to accomplish our God given assignments! My challenge to you is to assess the goals set at the start of this year. Rather than evaluating 2016 as it comes to an end, doing so now gives you the time and opportunity to make the necessary changes.

The question is, will you look back on 2016 and say ‘it was the average year I expected?’ or will you step out in faith, use your time productively and end the year saying ‘2016 was the year of the unexpected!’

Michael ‘Entitled’ Folayan
Contributing Writer & Rapper
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