Steve Impact talks about the inspiration behind his latest single ‘Back to You’

UK-based international gospel artist Steve Impact‘s latest release ‘Back to You’ allows his unique voice to break down music barriers and cut across genres. ‘Back to You’ is part of a spirit filled multi-dimensional album project that has now been introduced to the Kingdom and is blessing nations and reviving the worship lives of millions of people. We caught up with him below to ask a few questions.

What inspired the lyrics for this song?

It was during a sermon my Pastor preached on one Sunday, about Thanksgiving. It was about being grateful to God, and how it is only thanksgiving that can take you from being ‘healed’ to being ‘made whole’. The story of the 10 lepers; when Jesus said “go and show yourself to the priest” on their way there they found out that they were healed, but only one returned to give glory back to God. So that is the foundation of this song ‘Back to You’. And I liked when Jesus told him that “because you’ve come back to say, ‘thank you’ now you are moving from being ‘healed’ to being ‘made whole’”. So that is the whole message behind the song, thanksgiving and gratitude.

It’s always Interesting how artists come up with songs and put it all together, how do you do it?

Some come in dreams, also in the middle of services; I’ve had to step out of services to go and record a melody that God had just dropped into my spirit because of the message that maybe the man of God had just touched on, it resonates in my spirit, it could be a word or phrase… so it comes to me in diverse ways. 

So, what is next for Steve Impact? What should we be looking forward to?

So, we have songs coming up this year, we’ll release maybe 1 or 2 songs before the end of the year. We are looking forward to releasing the album, we’ll just start with releasing a few songs and then we’ll journey into the album.

Connect with Steve Impact on Facebook | Instagram || Download/Stream Back to You

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