Introducing… JDET getting the word out about his new EP ‘S3A’

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Born and raised in the UK, JDET is a young MC who has a passion to see people come to know Jesus, and be set free from being a slave to acceptance. In his new EP – Searching for the S3A, he pours out his heart and experiences while he was searching for his significance, something he realizes he always had.

The title of the EP ‘S3A’ (pronounced sea) is a statement, a declaration, a truth and stands for the following (3 S’s and 1 A).
– our Significance
– our Self-worth
– our Security and then
– our Acceptance
This is when it becomes a statement as JDET was ‘Searching For The S3A’ (Significance, Self-worth, Security and Acceptance) that he tried to find in the world but can only find in Christ.

Some of the songs not only deal with the root of the issues but also the implications and the hardships that we face when its not grounded in the right place. Songs Like 1Deep highlight how finding our security in our ego for example, can not only prevent us from growing into all that God wants for us, but can also stop people from even finding out about Christ; if we fear our reputation may be damaged by spreading the Gospel. Other songs also cover subjects and issues such as peer pressure and how this can affect us and lead us astray.

In the song ‘Searching’ JDET spits ‘my significance, I’m oblivious to, cause I could never see it until I was searching for you’. This line captures the essence of the EP and gives insight into JDET’s journey.

Listen below and download S3A.

Step FWD

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