Eric Reverence gets the 360 Degree Interview by Steve Alexander Smith

Eric Reverence is an International recording artist based in the UK, multi-award-winning singer-songwriter worship leader and evangelist. His body of accumulated work includes an album (The Journey) and a number of singles and music videos. Thousands have seen Eric perform in Latvia, Ghana and Nigeria. But when not on stage or in the studio, where does Eric stand on a number of issues faced by society on a day to day basis?

Welcome to the 360 Degree Interview!

You are on your way to perform at a concert and the road is suddenly blocked by an environmentalist demonstrator. What would you do next?

Wow this is a tough one but what I would do is try and speak to the demonstrator in a calm manner. I would tell he or she that I do understand their reason for the demonstration but this doesn’t mean they should take it out on the general public who need to get to their destinations. I will definitely try not to talk to them in anger or rage but try to reason with them in a respectable manner. The last thing I would do is to escalate the situation which might make things far worse. Hopefully, that should help to pave the way.

Is Covid the new Flu?

Well, I will be honest and say when the Covid first started, I thought it would be just a one-off flu and that’s it. Now, my mind has definitely changed as there seems to be different variants after the other so Yes, I believe it’s the new flu and here to stay for a long time.

Ghana is invaded by a foreign military power, would you sign up to fight for freedom?

Wow, what a tough question. It also depends on the measure of attack from the foreign military. I would speak to my family first and make a decision. Yes, I will definitely fight for freedom only if the Ghanaian military is in need of more people to fight and down in resources.

Is there too much money in Premiership football?

Oh yes, I absolutely think so. I believe there should be some form of a maximum cap to avoid clubs going into administration due to the high level of wages and costs of running a club.

Is there too much money in British Gospel?

I personally don’t think so because a lot of British artists and musicians are struggling.

You are invited to perform at a well-paid LGBTQ festival in Hyde Park in front of world leaders, do you take up the offer?

I will not have a problem in performing at the festival as to me it’s an opportunity to spread the Gospel to the multitudes. As a minister in music, it is mandatory that I share the gospel to more people who are not Christians than those who are. I would definitely love such opportunities

What is your favourite movie and why?

Shawshank Redemption. I can watch this film numerous times and each time I watch it, it feels like the first time. The movie just takes you to an amazing journey and grips you to your seat from start to finish. It makes you believe in hope, patience and that nothing is impossible to achieve if you put your mind to it. How this film did not win an oscar is beyond belief.

What book are you reading?

I am currently reading ‘Taming The Tiger’ by Tony Anthony.

If you had the opportunity to meet one British politician, who would it be?

Sadiq Khan. I will have strong words with him about the congestion charges and new charges.

Should female professional footballers be paid the same as men?

Yes, I believe so but the problem is that this will not happen until the women’s football league receives the support of sponsors the men’s football league gets. It is really refreshing to see that there have been major advancements in the women’s league and more money is being pumped into it now.

What is your favourite London tourist attraction and why?

The O2. Great events happen there and I have been to some of them.

How would you describe your character in 3 words?

Resilient, Patient, Helpful

The new single ‘Oluwa’ by Eric Reverence is officially out now and can be purchased on all digital platforms.

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